There are collections at the back of Church on the first Sunday of the month for our local Foodbank. There will also be weekly collections from 17 November to 8 December for donations for the Christmas period. If you would like to make a financial donation please click here
Giving to our Charity of the Month
This February we are supporting the Emmaus
Giving to Christ Church
A regular income through Planned Giving to the church makes a big difference in terms of budgeting and planning so please consider this. We are very grateful for any amount whether small or large so thank you very much.
If you would like to consider making a regular gift to Christ Church there are two methods:
- Through the Parish Giving Scheme This manages direct debit giving to the church and allows donors to give regularly and securely, to increase their donation annually according to inflation if they wish, to give anonymously and it reduces bank charges and collects Gift Aid automatically
- By Weekly Envelope. Please speak to Catherine Jeffries (01603 454622) for further information.
Alternatively, it is possible to donate via the Justgiving site using the button below. Various payment methods are available and it is also possible to Gift Aid your donation.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer please consider adding Gift Aid to your donation. As long as you pay sufficient tax to cover the amount you have gift-aided, as a charity we can recover some of that tax from the government. By using Gift Aid, for every pound you give, Christ Church will get an extra 25p from HM Revenue and Customs. Please Print Out and fill in the Gift Aid Declaration Form and return it to Catherine Jeffries. (This is not necessary if you donate through the Parish Giving Scheme or the JustGiving site.)
Another way that you can give to Christ Church is by leaving a legacy. If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy to Christ Church please contact our treasurer, Tony Grubb, via the Parishes Office (01603 473646, Email)