Christ Church Eaton

Prayer and Worship Resources

On this page are links to prayer, worship and Bible study resources that we hope you find useful. We are also putting prayer requests (with permission) and lists of those ill or deceased on the notice sheet.


Please email or ring (01603 250844) Patrick if you would like prayer for health or other reasons. Prayer requests will be added to the notice sheet if you give your permission or, if you prefer, Patrick will pray for you privately. Please also get in touch if you need practical help or you would like to talk to someone.


This February we are supporting the Emmaus


Letters from Dick and Caroline Seed, our Mission Partners in South Africa: 

Information about Mirna Paulo, our Mission Partner in Argentina

Christ Church Daily Prayer diary - day-by-day suggestions based on a diary produced by Colin Way

Diocese of Norwich Prayer Diary

Church of England Church online worship site including services and prayer resources

Diocese of Norwich Connect booklets A series of six booklets exploring the relationship between Christian faith and some of the most pressing issues of our time

The Visual Commentary on Scripture - Encounter the Bible through art

The Bible Project  - helping people experience the Bible in a way that is approachable, engaging, and transformative

BBC Sunday Worship: broadcast on Sundays at 8.10am on Radio 4. 

BBC Daily Service: broadcast on Radio 4 LW at 9.45am Monday-Friday

Songs of Praise

Norwich Cathedral's YouTube Channel

Church of England Mental health resources

Covid-19 Prayers - prayers produced for the Day of Prayer for the pandemic

If you would like to light an online candle for someone who has died you may find this page helpful

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